Thorpe Family Blog

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This is all about the fun and crazy things we do!! Greg, Laura, Payton, Jantsen, Nicholas and Brooks Thorpe.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Laura's 40th Birthday party!

Thanks to a wonderful husband, Laura had a great 40th birthday.  Greg threw a party down at the clinic.   (Jantsen tries to "horn" in on the picture)
Grandpa Faux and Jessie
Mindy, Savannah, Laura, Grandma Faux and Catryna
Laura with her cute brothers, Jason and Steve.
More girls!   Mel, Cori, Laura, Jane and Molly
Some Murdocks and Ollertons looking at the scrapbooks...
Laura and Grandma Goe
Laura and Grandma Crandall.   What a great day!   Rich, Ryan and Payton and Jantsen just couldn't let the "old" jokes slide.   Rich and Ryan brought some "old age" gifts:  gray hair cover-up and a couple things from Ryan's office.  (!!)    Payton and Jantsen just kept the jokes coming all day.   When Jantsen got home from school he called, "Mom, Mom!!....Oh, thankgoodness you are still alive!"

Nick and Brooks show off their guitar skills...

Nick strums and sings us a song!

Brooks really got in to it.  His song was "I love to play basketball."
This was the guitar that Uncle Chris gave Payton when he was about 5 years old.

Payton and Karson going to a dance...

Payton and Karson are heading to a Mapleton Jr. High dance.
What a couple of studs!
Not quite sure what they are doing...

Scout trip and Jantsen's field trip

Jantsen's 4th grade class went to "This Is The Place" state park.  They were able to experience the handcarts.
Jake Anderson, Josh Elison and Jantsen
The big strong boys pull!
Mrs. Clark's AM class.
Some of the class.
Nick was able to come with the Wolf scouts to the Dinosaur Museum.

Nick Cloward, Justin Poole, Nick Thorpe, Trevor Ollerton
What a great group of boys!    Wendy Ollerton and Laura are the Scout den leaders.

Nick's 1st grade program

Nick's First grade program..."The Little Engine that Could"

Grandma Thorpe, Mindy, Brooks, Sierra, Jessie and Grandma Faux came to watch.
Nick was one of the big freight engines.
Great job Nick!!

Easter and the Annual Egg Roll!

Easter Morning after hunting for eggs and seeing what the Easter bunny brought.
Payton ended up with a bloody nose. 
We love decorating Easter eggs!!   We are getting ready for the Annual Egg Roll with the Singles Ward.
Payton and Jantsen are eagerly thinking up decorating ideas!
Greg has his idea and is mixing paint for just the right color!
Here we go!   Brooks is up with his cool "Iron man" egg.
You can do it Brooks!!
Oooh!  The "Iron man" has a crack!!   Bummer!
Nick's coming out strong with his "Hulk" egg.
Nick wins and now Payton faces off with Cami Sumsion.
Payton's "Superman" egg wins!!
What a fun event!
Hummer's "7" egg takes a loss.
Sweet Superman egg!
Of course Jantsen goes with the North Carolina Tar Heels egg.   Nice paint job, Jants!
The Ironman was not so full of iron!
Greg's totally awesome football egg makes it through a couple rounds.
Go Jants!
Nick didn't quite make it to the final four...
Sherri Wright was the all time egg winner!